LPNOVA Board Meeting
2:00 pm on August 6, 2011
George Mason Regional Library
Annandale, VA
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:11pm
Credentials Check
· board members (voting)
o Matt Cholko (chair)
o Rod Severson (treasurer)
o Laura Delhomme (secretary)
o Matt Helm (at-large)
· other attendants (non-voting)
o Chuck Moulton
o Andrew Schurr
o Al Alborn
o John Oliver
o Mike Kane
Approve Agenda
· Without objection, the agenda was approved at 2:14 pm.
Approve minutes of previous meetings
· May – approved without objection
· June – N/A (no meeting held the month of June)
· July – Approved without objection, with stipulation that email addresses of guests would be removed when publishing.
Board Member Reports
· Updates to be saved for a more relevant section in the meeting.
· VC not present at time of reports.
· Presented Balance Sheet.
· We have appx $300 in donations that cannot be processed and must be returned because the donors didn’t give the required information. Chuck thinks we don’t need that info in order to accept the donations. ACTION ITEM: Treasurer will follow up on the laws surrounding donations.
· None.
· None.
Credentials update (2:25):
· Kristin Pavelski (Vice-Chairman) arrived at the meeting.
Committee Reports
Campus Recruiting
· Chuck has identified more prospects. His goal is to have a libertarian club at GMU by the time the presidential campaign comes around, so that the candidate can come speak.
· Committee has not officially met.
· There is an event coming up: Monday August 15 at Brion’s Grille in Fairfax. At this event, Robert Sarvis (Republican candidate for the 35th district state senate election) is coming to speak. Chuck the point person on this event (introduce the speaker, etc). Laura is coordinating with the candidate.
· A tentative meetup is being planned for September 12, 2011 at Brion’s Grille. Mike Kane (LP candidate for 41st district State Delegate) will speak at this one.
· Kristin is working with two restaurants, Vienna Amphora and Herndon Diner Deluxe to put together events.
· A tentative DVD-viewing event is being discussed. Milton Freedman’s “Free to Choose” was discussed.
· ACTION ITEM: Kristin will further explore these events.
· Kritin P & Laura D are planning a campaign training, using Kristin’s experience as Redpath’s campaign manager and Laura’s training materials from the Leadership Institute.
· ACTION ITEM: Kristin P and Mike K will chat about doing campaign events.
· Kristin P will start having meetups at Uno’s in Reston Town Center. The last event there brought out multiple (new!) people. Will be held on different nights than the Brion’s meetups.
Social Media Committee
· Committee has not officially met.
· Facebook “likes” up to 143 at time of meeting.
o Laura is posting content sporatically, which seems to be getting people to come to the board meeting.
o Kristin was added as an admin to the Facebook fan page during the meeting.
o Current admins: Kristin Pavelski, Chuck Moulton, Matt Helm, Matt Cholko, Laura Delhomme
· Twitter followers: 21.
o Posts from Facebook are automatically fed to Twitter.
· Blogging
o No activity has happened with this, except for a post about Celebrate Fairfax.
o Kristin emphasized her desire to start blogging.
o Al offered to help with blogs; referred us to his current site where he blogs about liberty topics.
Old Business
Meetup groups/events
· If the Kane campaign comes up with events they want to participate in, bring list to LPNOVA/Matt C and we’ll chat.
o Rod S moved to approve up to 3 events and up to (total) $300 for events in and around the Burke area for the Kane for Delegate campaign. Laura D seconded, no objections. Approved without objection.
o It was suggested that the Kane campaign should have a meetngreet/fundraising BBQ. Al suggested using a Fire House for a venue. Kane campaign tentatively doing a BBQ September 24th.
Pool party
· Matt C talked to Marta H, who would be happy to host.
o Potluck style
o Weekend of September 17
o Discussion about BBQ that never happened
o Matt C will do the Meetup
o Matt H will be the point person on coordinating who’s bringing what food.
o ACTION ITEM: Cholko to talk to Marta to confirm up date.
Phone banking
· Matt C contacted Chris B, who cannot commit as he is out of the country intermittently.
· Discussion weighing benefits of everyone meeting at the same place and calling vs people calling on their own.
· ACTION ITEM: Chuck M to divide and distribute names/contact information. Matt C will ping Montoni to get the most up to date db. We’ll only do lapsed members if we figure out we have more volunteers than we think we will get.
· ACTION ITEM: Matt C will solicit volunteers, if anyone else wants to volunteer to set up a meetup/event for it, they can can take that initiative.
· A deadline of August 27 was decided on when to have calls complete.
· Chuck M wants to add an ‘I see that your membership is lapsed’ line. ACTION ITEM: Rodney will update the script and get it to the people who need it. Matt C: membership renewals will be reserved for people who meet a criteria that Matt C will make up later.
· ACTION ITEM Kristin P will write a blog as a call for volunteers.
· ACTION ITEM: Laura D will advertise on the fb fan page.
· Chris B has said he will host, but is not sure of his availability.
· November 19 is tentative date of convention.
· The board will revisit more significantly next month, including discussing a definite location.
lpnova.org email addresses
· Certain ISPs have put Chuck M’s servers on the real-time block list. These include hotmail and att.net. ACTION ITEM: Chuck will test send an email to everyone to test it. Also will make sure which ISPs will work.
-Arrival of John Fast- He is moving back to Fla the day after Labor Day.
-RECESS 15:18-
-END RECESS 15:28-
New Business
· Board Meeting Location: Kristin P brought up the idea of changing the board meeting location, as Annandale is difficult for her to get to.
o Venues weighed: Amphora’s restaurant in Vienna, Epicure CafĂ©, Vaspucci’s, school libraries, other county libraries, school cafeterias. For the time being, will stick with libraries. The venue would need wi-fi and ability to have a variable headcount, both of which might not be accomodated at every restaurant.
o Discussion regarding picking a central location vs moving it around every month. The consistency of having it in the same place every time is nice, a perk to getting newcomers to come. Place to have it should theoretically be convenient/central to people that show up.
o DECISION: we’ll stick with public/school libraries and public areas like school cafeterias that have wireless access, and Matt C will coordinate. The location will be rotated monthly.
Kane for Delegate
· Al A suggested posting on patch.com. Free, community-specific news organization, anyone can post.
· John F brought up the Leadership Institute suggestion of campaign timing: fundraising 100% of time at beginning of campaign, 0% at end, 0% campaigning at beginning, 100% campaigning at end.
· Nomination convention to be held Saturday 8/13/2011.
o Possibility of another interested candidate, contacted Matt C. Low probability.
· Discussion on how LPNOVA can help Kane For Delegate (money, events, etc)
o Kristin suggested he put together a campaign video with her help.
o Need to get website up. Chuck E (volunteer) has not been in touch. ACTION ITEM: Mike K will try to get ahold of Chuck E.
§ Back-up plan: free site via Wordpress/Blogger? ACTION ITEM: Laura to help get something set up later next week if the Chuck E plan doesn’t work.
· If Kane for Delegate wants money from LPNOVA, Kane will have to make a formal pitch.
· Kane for Delegate outreach events: If the campaign wants to do something, get word to LPNOVA as funding has already been approved
o OK to use the meetup group to promote Mike Kane campaign since he is a state-level candidate. Everybody on board agrees it’s a good idea to use the meetup group to promote Mike Kane’s campaign.
· Chuck M advice: once Mike Kane gets on the ballot, he should ask lpva for moneys. The PDC will consider, and divvy up based on how many candidates there are.
New Congressional District Chairs
· Matt C & Laura D are now CD chairs, 11th and 8th respectively. Chuck M is the existing 10th CD chair.
Upcoming Events
· Next scheduled board meeting would be on Labor Day, decided to move it to 9/17, at a library within a few minutes of the pool party.
· Northern Virginia Brewfest. October 22-23. Kind of close to election day, probably too late.
· Burke Center Conservancy: September 10-11. Free booth. ACTION ITEM: Events Committee will coordinate the Burke Center booth. August 16 is the deadline for reserving a booth. Matt C will handle the paperwork.
· Convention: if the Brookover residence is not available, Kristin has a plan B: her apartment complex’s community room (Herndon). ACTION ITEM: Kristin to check out how much it costs to rent, what the process is, etc.
· Alexandria Film Festival
o November 3-6
o $500 for acknowledgement in all programs, website, etc.. ACTION ITEM: Kristin to look into the attendence level/circulation of the program. Kane thinks that $500 could be better spent elsewhere the week before the election.
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